
Pressure Solutions Articles

IHHP has conducted extensive research and published a New York Times and Amazon bestselling book, Performing Under Pressure – The Science of Doing Your Best When It Matters Most. Learn strategies to build the foundational skill of Emotional Intelligence to perform your best when it matters most. 

Pressure Solution #7 – Recall You at Your Best

Flash back to your previous successes A lack of confidence in high-pressure situations is common to many of us, so this pressure solution is sure to come in handy. The basic idea is that by visualizing your past successes in similar situations, you stimulate the same...

Pressure Solution #6 – Recognize That You Are Worthy

Do you recall a pressure moment in which you didn’t do as well as you hoped? That was you in the past. Today is a new opportunity to show what we can do. Affirm Your Self-Worth Acknowledging the experience, skills, and other positive qualities you possess is an...

Pressure Solution #5 – Anticipate, Anticipate, Anticipate

The What If Game The rules are simple. Select an upcoming high-pressure situation. Let's say it's giving an important presentation. Now ask yourself a bunch of what-if questions - what if something bad or unexpected happens? Here are some examples: What if your...

Pressure Solution #4 – Focus on Your Mission

There is probably no easier pressure solution to use before and during a pressure moment than this: FOCUS ON YOUR MISSION This solution suggests that you stay clear on what you are trying to accomplish — your mission. It could be to shoot a clean round of golf...