
Last 8% Articles

Build the Emotional Intelligence skills required to work and lead courageously by learning and mastering the Last 8%. The Last 8% are the tough conversations, difficult decisions, and opportunities to meaningfully connect that people avoid because emotions get in the way.

The Dangerous Lie of ‘Nice’ Organizations: Why Your Family Culture is Doomed to Fail.

Being overly nice can be a silent killer of growth, progress and innovation. When teams prioritize…

4 Reasons to Invest in Developing Your Leaders

4 Reasons to Invest in Developing Your Leaders. Developing leaders is an investment in the future of any organization. Strong leaders are critical to…

5 Ways to Win with Culture

Organizational Culture refers to the set of values, beliefs, and practices that shape the behaviour of individuals and groups within an organization. A strong Organizational Culture can…

How To Solve Any Work Conflict Skillfully and Effectively

Having good relationships at work matters to you, but you are experiencing conflict with a person on your team. It’s driving you crazy, the moment you jump on a zoom meeting, and that person is on, you immediately feel resistance, even repulsion. You even feel like...
5 Ways to Win with Culture

5 Ways to Win with Culture

Organizational Culture refers to the set of values, beliefs, and practices that shape the behavior of individuals and...